1. Oooh! I'm on My Fitness Pal too! Let's be friends! 🙂
    I know what you mean about "easy" goals but with so much attached to them. It took me YEARS to give up pasta, because Pasta was my jam, man. We're Italian, I eat pasta, and I love it. I had it at least twice a week, because it was a cheap way to eat when you're only making food for one person. But now I've cut it out except for special occasions, and some Lenten Fridays.
    Remember you can eat BACON!!! 🙂 🙂 I find that going through my cookbooks and trying new things that fit my new "food paradigm" really help me out. I also keep a running list of FAST (like under 20 minutes, start to finish) meals that are good for me, so I always have something quick to cook.

  2. I'm about to start a different diet with some similar goals and motivations (though it is about weight loss, but also to recover from stress-eating). You're an inspiration. Thank you!

  3. I gave up MFP for the month, along with the scale. I'd like to stop obsessing about what I eat. But that's me; I have different goals.

  4. You are going to rock this! Even on the hardest days when you want to throw in the towel, you're still gonna rock it. I have full faith and confidence in that. One little tidbit from our whole30….we bought almost nothing organic or locally sourced. It's just not in our budget. We did the best we could with seasonal produce because a lot of times that was more local. And we still both had fantastic results. Obviously, local and organic is best, and it's something we hope to be able to do more of one day. But don't let that be a deterrent if your budget is tight. We did splurge for the Aidell's sausage, and that was the bomb-diggity!

  5. Remember that the crock pot is your friend, especially on busy days! Also, find a way to use leftovers in another meal – unless you're like me and leftovers don't bother you. Finally, butter lettuce makes the best wraps for tacos and the like. It's got a bit of crunch, but doesn't crack when you wrap it around something. 🙂

  6. It sounds like you've thought this out quite well. I think that defining your goals is a good idea, especially for those times when you're tempted to just give up. Knowing that there's a finish line where we can enjoy a taste of a treat that we'd sacrificed is motivating too, even though I know I will be on this weight loss journey for many more months later. Have you discovered the blog, Organize Yourself Skinny (http://www.organizeyourselfskinny.com). She's got some great ideas on meal prep for busy moms.

    Praying for your success Mary. And I am sure Courtney is too. You can do this!

  7. Are you allowed vanilla extract, or almond or peppermint? A dash of any of those in a frothy cup of hot almond milk is divine. I almost tricks you into thinking it is sweet, since it has much of the same flavor as so many sweet treats!

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