1. The struggle is real sister! I have one of those bodies that gains POUNDS if I do any cheating or don't meal plan. It's so disheartening. I really like this woman (she's not Catholic) but she has taught me some new things including that we have a limited amount of will power so that's why we need meal planning! http://susanpeircethompson.com/

  2. I lost 40 pounds a year ago and am still working on the emotional eating issues. I have found I turn to food when I am bored, as you have said, or frustrated about situations I can't change. Lately I have been trying to just stay away from the kitchen when I'm feeling like that–which is hard, as I homeschool and am, well, home all the time. The afternoons are the worst. I suspect there's an emotional link there; I used to come home from school, my mom would still be at work (she was a teacher and got home an hour or so after I did) and I'd use that time to eat whatever I wanted before she got home. Which…I never thought about really, until just now. Interesting.

    I think you're doing great. As you said in a previous post, the first day of any journey is easy; it's the day to day slog that is hard!

  3. I would love to hear about some of your meal plans. I have young kids and tend to overbook and then drop the ball with making a really healthy dinner.
    Congrats about feeling hungry! I had a similar feeling a few years ago when my son was dealing with some medical issues and food had been an unhealthy afterthought or distraction for a few months. I consciously started thinking about what I was eating and after a few days felt hungry. It was a little revelation! I actually can learn from attending to my body.
    Today was sort of a fail for me – 3 parties in one day. I broke down and had 2 cookies and wine at the last one. But, compared to earlier I think it was ok – much less than what I'd usually eat and more thoughtful choices.

  4. Yay for feeling hungry!

    I have empathy on the health issues being sidelined because of our special kiddos. My PCOS diagnosis and seeing a rheumatogist for my fibro had to wait until Daniel started school because I was the primary caregiver and my husband had pastoral duties that took him out of the house too much to regularly watch Daniel.

  5. "It's like bi-polar food disease."

    Yes, it can feel like that! I totally agree! I am glad that you have a plan. I need a plan! I think I will take care of that later today. 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey. I would like to hear more on how you are meal planning. It is something I know I should do and yet I have real trouble getting it done. Also, please share more recipes. Thanks

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