1. I love the maxi dress on you! And the other dresses look great too – I especially love that wrap dress! That skirt is awesome too and with the right shirt would make a really great outfit! Keep rocking it, Mari!

    1. Thanks Beth! I am always trying to figure out new ways to wear things. It's back to the drawing board for that one skirt, bit I will get it in time.

  2. You give great advice! Maybe a work from home option for you! Seriously, this is the kind of stuff I try to reach my daughter. It's challenging when you just want to wear the super cute whatever that's in style. But one style is not made for all body types. I haven't tried the soft knit skirts but I'm wondering if, at the right length and with some spanx I just may be able to pull one off.

  3. I love them all! But my usual look is your last one, and as you said, I usually feel frumpy wearing it. THough I thought you looked perfect! I really love the maxi dress on you and the one above that.
    I need you to help me dress here Mary, 😉 I should send you some money to make up my capsule wardrobe. How fun would THAT be!?!?!

    1. Yu can do it Sharonabelle! I promise. Just try some different styles. Sometimes stepping outside your wheelhouse is hard but you might be surprised.

  4. I love how you analyze everything, I've almost never thought about my wardrobe before in that way, it never really occurred to me that it could be done. And, you totally look great in all your outfits!
    Ruth Anne

  5. I have the same green shirt in 3 colors! Love it!!!! I highly recommend it with funky colored palazzo pants and rocking flats! Wore it tonight like that:) I love, your love of color. Always makes me smile!

  6. Great tips Mary! And I love that green top – it would be perfect paired with a pencil skirt or skinny jeans 🙂

  7. Ok, I completely agree with you about the maxi dress! You look UHMAYZING in it and it really is all about the right fabric and neckline. I was a convert to maxi skirts last summer and I'm a 5'3" Apple-shape. Even the shorties can work it! Lol

  8. Mary that maxi dress looks SO good on you! And I also think with your height you could totally rock palazzo pants. They would be flowy and lovely with the right top!

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