1. Loved your blue wrap my friend. You and baby looked good. I of course am 21 years post-partum and have no excuse to look like I am about 7 months along. Yippee me!

  1. Mary- just a thought on your appeal process- have you tried a congressional inquiry? Sometimes just those words can cause the powers that be to at least pay attention…fwiw…
    You look so pretty today! Glad you finally got some rest! Blessings-

    1. Miss Catherine – that is a really good idea. I will get on it if we lose the third round. I swear I spend 50% of my life filling out insurance forms and battling for coverage.

  2. Love the pattern of the dress and the colour (who doesn't like blue?). And Courtney…looking lovely as usual.

  3. I haven't been here in a while…it was nice to see the happy faces of both of you ladies. Your dress is awesome. (I love Dress Barn.)

    God bless you!

  4. Beautiful dress & I just love those earrings!

    BTW – Have you ever read "The Return of the Prodigal Son" by Henri Nouwen? Inspired by Rembrandt's painting, he first shares how the painting affected him. He then explores the story relating himself to the Prodigal son, the father, & the brother. I read it years ago when a friend loaned it to me & it's one of those books that has just stuck w/ me. In fact, I just ordered my own copy yesterday & can't wait to read it again.

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