1. That image of your Courtney's casket under the Pieta is breath-taking! Our Blessed Mother surely knows your pain and your grief, as only a mother who has watched a child suffer and die can. May She give you comfort and strength, and may Her Son welcome your beautiful daughter home to His side. God bless you all.

  2. I offer my condolences to you and your family. I thank you for sharing all that you have. I only found your site about six weeks ago and began reading your and Courtney's life journey. I couldn't stop reading. I think your sharing all of this will surely help untold numbers of others. God bless you and give you all many more graces as you cope with the loss of Court.

  3. I heard about you and your beautiful Courtney on face book, so many people love and care for y'all. What a blessing. I will have you and your family in my constant thoughts and prayers.
    God bless, Kelley

  4. This is all so heartwrenchingly beautiful. What a legacy she has left. We continue to pray for you and all your needs. I also want you to know that I am (and have been) asking her intercession for some special intentions that I think she understands well, and we prayed again today and asked her intercession for your employment situation as well. God bless.

  5. Such beautiful images, Thankyou for sharing them and your thoughts. Prayers and thoughts continue for you, Jerry, Jonathan and all the family. I will get started on St Joseph again about the job 😉

  6. John Lennon and Paul McCartney said it best: "Love is all you need." And you, your dear family, and precious Courtney are so very rich in love. God's greatest gift is love.~~~Many blessings and continued prayers for all of you dear ones. XXOO, Beth

  7. Praying for you… Now rest momma you have done the hardest thing a mother can be faced with. Your angel is free!!!! And your family is so loved and prayed for … Rest in that love… Praying in Louisiana

  8. Have been thinking about you all nonstop. Praying you to the next step each and every day. Was sitting in Mass yesterday and was trying to come up with my "one word" for 2015 and thought of your Passionate Perseverance and then settled on purposeful. You've got passion, perseverance and purpose and are making God (and Courtney) proud. I look forward to that long overdue coffee when the time presents itself, friend. #TeamLenaburg !

  9. Always in my family's prayers and thoughts. Always will remember your beautiful daughter and the impact she has made on my life because you let me know her. Many hugs to you, Jerry, and Jonathan in the days ahead.

  10. Your family continues in my prayers. I love reading this post and seeing the pictures of St. Mary's. And knowing that the parish of my growing up years and my heart is still the wonderful community that I remember. Blessings to all of you in this new year.

  11. Dearest Mary, God be with you as you continue this journey. My prayers are with you, especially that Jerry will soon be employed again full time. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, wipe your tears and help your family as you get through this. But know I'm praying, and reading, and visiting and holding you in my heart. Love Christine

  12. I have never seen such a beautiful funeral before. The last picture is my favorite…continued prayers and support for you and your family. It must be so comforting to know that Courtney is now helping you in a special way.

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