1. i wish i could fly to virginia and hug you…

    maybe have a courtney tree next year and stick all her ornaments on it? it can be a small tabletop tree.

    please keep sharing regardless of how happy/sad whatever you have to say is. a lot of us with special kids learned from the way you lived with miss sassypants and i think there are probably a number of people who are watching you to figure out how exactly to deal with the time if/when our kids go to be with Jesus

  2. Much love to you, Mary. I want to tell you I have the picture you sent me of you and Courtney some time ago. I have placed it in my keepsake drawer…Only things having to do with my immediate family go there, so it should tell you how much I think of you and your Courtney. May Our Mother continue to comfort your hurting heart.

  3. Thank you for giving us an update. You've been on my mind and in my prayers a lot….and I knew you'd be back with a post when you were ready. God bless you guys and I look forward to reading your posts whenever they come 🙂

  4. I agree you be you! You grieve at your own pace.read something today by a grieving momma… Grief is like our shadow … It pops up with no warning regardless of the weather . You can't be ready for it only know it will be there and trust the Jesus will be carrying you when it appears… So many people are praying for you and your family.many that you don't even know… That won't stop… When you least expect it the grace from all those prayers can sooth your heart. Your girl was a big presence in so many lives… None will ever forget her. Praying for you daily , hugging you from Louisiana… Hoping you know how much you are loved…..

  5. We miss you and love you and your family. Thank you for taking time in your life to update all of us out here. Be well and take your time.

  6. We love you Mary! I used to live in Alexandria, and I so would have been there for her funeral if I still lived there. Ahh…a book!?, really, you will write one???? Yay!!! What a beautiful thing to create in Courtney's room. Take you time and know you are surrounded in prayer.

  7. Keeping you in prayer. About the sleep thing. I do have a trick that I recently learned that may help–or maybe it won't. I agree with your Doctor, you're on Courtney's schedule. But in case this does help…all you have to is hold your breath for 7 seconds, then breath out slowly for 8 seconds. At first, this won't feel restful, you will feel like you're panting. But keep doing this over and over, and you will find yourself relaxing and then hopefully falling asleep. I did this the other night because I couldn't sleep and I ended up falling asleep within five minutes.

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