1. Aww, Mary. I will be praying for you and Courtney, though I have to say you have a way with words and put a smile on my face. (Which was desperately neeeded!)

  2. Ah Mary, I feel for ya. It can't be easy, cleaning up the results! It's got to be brutal going in for "routine" and finding out scary things are possible. I'm thanking Jesus with you, while knowing this is no picnic either.

  3. I'm so impressed that you are managing to keep a happy face through it all! True, Courtney can't be feeling that good if she's so backed up, but being the one who has to clean the result is no fun either. Offering up tonight's heartburn for you! Keep smiling… Piglet? (Since Courtney is Pooh… my lame attempt at humour.)

  4. on foot in front of the other, or is it one diaper after another? You encourage me so much. As a nurse, I totally understand what you are experiencing, over and over. I know the saying " this, too, shall pass" is sometimes trite and shallow and oh so appropriate to this instance, but it will pass and others will see that you do have passionate perseverance and they can know that it's possible for them, too, to have it in whatever they are going through in their lives too! You are a daughter of the High King, Mary and being His obedient servant in caring for Courtney whom He's entrusted to your care! May your day be filled with Joy today!

  5. Hey Mary, just wanted to let you know I was praying for you and Courtney while I was walking around Machu Picchu yesterday. Not quite the same as lighting a candle, but I wanted you to know 🙂

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