1. God is SO good…and me too. I will be a stay at home mama again, although I haven't announced it to anyone, yet. I will have to whip out my home-making skillz again. I don't have Fly-Lady fantastickness, but I am an old school "fly girl" so my Latina skills will have to do. My hubby's commute will be 2 hours in each direction – WOW! But, he's excited. Wish Jerry all the best (and get that man more drinks and bacon). <3

    1. Jerry's the commute will be 90 min to 2 hours either way too! BUT that was the only bad thing about the deal. I am just so grateful for the opportunity God has provided Jerry and our family to start over. Welcome home Mama Bear!! It's gonna rock!!

  2. Such blessed news!!! Congratulations!!!

    I hope this is ok, but I'm asking St. Courtney's intercession (along with St. Nicholas Borobia and our own little St. Fiona!) for the sale of our house. It's crunch time and we REALLY need some awesome help. 🙂

  3. Again, Mary, such good news for you and Jerry. A big change for both of you but a very good one, thanks be to God! Oh yes, extroverts are energized by the party, whereas introverts are pooped by it. My all time-favorite observation of inrtroverts/extroverts is: If you don't know what an extrovert is thinking, you haven't been listening; if you don't know what an introvert is thinking, you haven't asked. How true is that???!!!

  4. I'm so happy for you both! Congratulations!
    The fly lady comment made me laugh – I did fly lady for a bit, but I couldn't keep up. I wish there was a Catholic housekeeping guide.

  5. God id wonderful and works in mysterious exciting ways. I am so happy for you three and I know that Jerry will enjoy his wonderful new opportunity and as a person of habit, you will enjoy finding a new routine for your days. So much will be better now that the stress of making ends meet is gone. Love to you all.

  6. Mary and Jerry, we are so happy for you! Prayerfully sharing in your walk over these past many (20?!) years has been a blessing in our lives. Congratulations! Love, Susan

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