1. I listen to music…dance music like "we like to party". It lifts my mood every time. I also just read that laying on the bed with your head hanging off the side helps, too.

    1. I totally second the dancing. Dancing and singing. Just anything to get your body and voice free and moving and just letting go. It's hard to continue to feel blah when your body is feeling good. Or … look in the mirror and smile. Make yourself smile for like a minute. It tricks your body into feeling better somehow.

  2. I write all my best blog posts in my head when I'm walking or showering. Unfortunately, they are never as good when I sit down to the computer. Go for a long walk and then take a cool shower and I bet you will be past your writer's block!

  3. When I get days like that, I look for the smallest, simplist thing on my list, and see if I can do that. Then I can say I at least did SOMEthing. Quite often, forcing myself to do that small thing will often trigger the tiniest desire to do one more thing. And so on. And if that doesn't work, fix a cup of tea, find a good book, and call it a mental health day. ((hugs)) to you~!

  4. I like to go for a walk. Just a little walk around the block to get my blood going and the oxygen up to my brain. I try not to think about whatever is pulling me down, just walk and look about me and let my mind take a break.

  5. Music and doing something I love. For me that is petting/folding fabric. I will reorganize my my fabric stash, just so I can touch and play with it. Seeing all the wonderful colors and patterns puts me in a happier place.

  6. Exercise, even if it's just a short walk around the block. Spend five minutes (or more) praising God — and if your well has run dry, pick up the Psalms as you'll find plenty of praise songs there. Do something for someone else — doesn't have to be something big and often the little things are the best. Those three things always help me lots. Blessed be God forever!

  7. Go for a walk, pick something in the garden, dig in garden, in short something involving outsiden and activity. Or I start cleaning. Then your mind wil start to come up with things it'll rather do.

  8. I always find starting my day with a rosary is very helpful. Then I had to learn to not let negative thoughts in –because they always fester. And yes, doing something physical is so helpful! Walking or exercising in any way that you like.
    As a home schooling mom of seven and with my middle son having cancer, these things have gotten me through some tough times. I also always think of the mothers of saints. How they suffered as their children answered God'd call. St. Maria Goretti's mother had a very difficult life. To lose a child to a violent death and to bury a husband; so sad. But she had heroic virtue and forgave her daughters killer. Awesomeness! It helps me to strive to be better….even when it stinks!
    I see that in you Mary. We all see the beauty in the suffering.


  9. Hopefully by the time you read this you'll be waking up to a much brighter day (LOVE the Eeyore picture!) When I'm feeling Eeyore-ish I try to get outside – rain or shine, even if it is just for a few minutes. If it is hot I take a big glass of water or iced tea. If it is cold I bring coffee or tea. I prune the roses, take a walk (with or without prayer) or just sit outside and read a book. I also find it helpful to go to adoration, if I can, and like the previous comment mentioned, it usually helps to accomplish at least one thing on the to do list.
    I recently read an article about how to be successful working from home and it mentioned that people need to take a break every 40-60 minutes for 15-20 minutes and do something totally different from what they were working on. If you try to push through you are actually less productive than if you take a break. For writers block, sometimes just making yourself write something helps too.
    God Bless You!

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