1. I love the blouse with the birds! I have one dress with feathers as a pattern, and it always makes me happy. Trying to get more adventurous with my patterns!

  2. First pic/blouse is fabulous! I love it and the gathering toward the neck is really slimming…I didn't even notice hair. 🙂

  3. You look so great. I love blue of every shade too (my outfit for Mass this week reflected that well..!) and I love that blue flower pattern dress. Great colors, great shape! All your pieces look great though.

  4. Love the embroidery on that white dress! I'm such a sucker for embroidery in any form 🙂 You look great as always, friend!

  5. We are always more critical of ourselves than others… had you not mentioned the "flaws," I wouldn't have even noticed. You look great! If you see this, could you comment on the quality of eshakti clothing? It's an intriguing concept.

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