1. My husband and I really enjoyed this. He said, "he's funny and he likes to live dangerously"! I said, " you all need to start an OTTER club." HA
    Blessings you sweet people!

  2. HILARIOUS! Thanks for the truth and the fun 🙂
    THIS had me rolling: " ….. deciding which weapon would get her a better plea bargain. "


  3. This is going to be required reading when my husband gets home today! Thanks for the deep belly laugh and prayers for a quick recovery for Mary!


  4. I will have to pass this on to my husband. I think this is also wise advice for husbands with pregnant wives.

  5. Oh my. As a woman in that certain age range, I can tell you with certainty that you have hit the nail right on the head. I especially liked the last quote about dragons. I know that is often exactly what I feel like…a dragon!

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