1. Beautiful post Mary! And I agree that it is so comforting during the really trying times when you can barely utter a prayer to know that other people are praying for you.

  2. This is fantastic! I've recently been fervently praying for an intention, and today I was doubting that anyone was listening. This post is a beautiful reminder of having that faith to "let go of my will and align myself with His". This is exactly what I needed to read.
    PS, I'm a fairly new reader, still finding my way around Catholic blogs, and yours is one of my favorites so far! Although I'm not a wife or mother (yet!) this post really spoke to me, and I came upon it at the perfect time. Thank you for sharing your reflections!

  3. Mary, there are times I believe that my prayers will be answered and times I really doubt they will. Its hard to pray when you feel that you only go to God when you need something. Life flies by, there doesn't seem to be time to pray prayers – to step back and pray. Then I read your blog and realize that prayer comes in different waves, conscience directed prayer, prayer in helping those you love with no thought of recompense, prayer in sitting in the quiet listening to God in the wind in the trees or the birds or the cat's purr or watching your child or grandchild as they play and find joy in the moment. Thank you for helping me see that prayer is not only directed out, but accepted inward from others. Hope your Mother's Day was peaceful and loving.

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