1. God Bless you and your family. You and your daughter give so much to the world. We can only repay with our prayers; you are in mine.

  2. My prayers are with you. I've, of course, never heard Shelby say "I love you" and the verdict is still out on whether I will. But when she comes up and kisses me (a new phenomenon) and grabs her brother and holds him still to kiss him (the one she has to grab and hold still, the other one lovingly gives and accepts kisses from her), it means a lot that God gives me those moments to know. It is easier some days than others to recognize why we were given these special girls through our tiredness and heartbrokeness. ((HUGS)) Thank you for being Courtney and Jonathan's mom, you're doing a great job!

  3. That was beautiful! God Bless you all on this journey and thank you for including all of us 🙂

  4. Oh, Mary. Tears are rolling down my face right now. (But these days, that's the norm for me.)

    I'm so happy that you got your "I love you". What a beautiful gift she gave you.

    Prayers for you all.

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