1. Wow, I have goosebumps too. You and your family are always in my prayers and I just know this is going to be huge! God Bless You for all you have given me as I read your blog each day, from the beginning to present.

  2. "Note to self: do not mess around when asking Courtney to intercede for you. My girl does not mess around."

    This made me laugh! How lucky are you to have your Courtney pulling for you every step of the way. You've go this, Mary. Congrats!

  3. Mary,
    Your faith and strength has inspired me many times over. I am so grateful I happened upon your blog a few years ago, you have taught me so much! I am excited God has called you to speaking, you will bring so many wonderful blessings to others. Watching God work in your life has been amazing! You are in my prayers always!

  4. What joyful and exciting news. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all.

    Praying for God's glory to proceed and follow you in this new adventure.

  5. As one of those 250 who heard you last weekend: Wonderful! Watching you speak was watching the Holy Spirit in action. Each little story, a little piece of you that built into a beautiful message. Thank you for responding to the call!

  6. Oh, Mary!!!!! I have tears in my eyes reading this!! I am so happy for you and this new direction God is leading you. I will definitely be praying for you!!

    1. My sweet and beautiful Beth. What a journey we have been on together as Mama's of saints. I covet your prayers my friend and those of your sweet girl. This is quite a step of faith but I know that I am never alone. Hugs and kisses from VA!!

  7. Mary, I was one of the women at the Catholic Women Rejoice conference who was blessed to hear you speak. I don't think I've ever laughed and cried so deeply in such a short period of time — I just wanted to verify that your message touched hearts. If I wasn't such a "shy" person, I would have been one of those women trying to get a word with you and a hug. đŸ™‚ (I also had my mom with me – who isn't Catholic – so I felt like I needed to "keep her company" as much as possible since we didn't know anyone else there… I'm the only one from my tiny country parish who attends the conferences.) Hearing your story was so encouraging for me. With two "high functioning" autistic sons who are now 15 and 18 – my hubby and I are trying to navigate a future that likely includes having them with us long term. They are an absolute joy to be around, and part of us is thrilled that we don't have to "send them off" to college and "say good-bye"… but there are few people who understand our worries. Many family members see only their brilliant minds and don't understand that I still have to "night-time parent" them in order for them to sleep at night — they are emotionally significantly younger than their chronological ages… and they don't appear to be "progressing" beyond the point they are now. It was encouraging to hear from a parent I felt I had something in common with — your story is very different — but I felt I could relate more to you than to the "average family" (if there is such a thing). Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to keep going… you're on the right path. I'm thankful to have found you here in blogging world, and I hope to stay in touch…
    with gratitude,
    Jenny aka Nonna đŸ™‚

  8. i too stumbled upon your blog looking for "catholic"….thats all, just catholic. wanting to fill an emptiness of faith. believed but didnt know if others felt as I. then, there was you and your wonderful Miss C. I have had so much pleasure from your messages. I hope to one day hear if you have a slightly southern accent or a more atlantic accent! so excited for a devotional from you!

  9. Hip hip hooray!!!!!!! Wow!!!! Beautiful!!!! Praying for you and your family! God's generosity is AMAZING! Praise God!!!!

  10. Oh Mary!! I'm so excited for you and all the hearts that will be blessed by your story in this new adventure! Our God is always doing something new isn't He? Prayers for your sweet family!

  11. Hi Mary- I'm a Protestant Christian who was present at Catholic Women Rejoice in Portland because of a desire to learn more about Catholicism. One of my favorite parts of the day was your story of being at Lourdes. Apparitions and pilgrimages have seemed to me foreign and largely superstitious or weird. But you helped me to get past the initial skeptical impression and be amazed at what God can do. All that to say, I hope you don't limit your message to Catholic groups alone. You are an Evangelist (in the pure sense of the word rather than in the negative stereotype) and you are a bridge for helping others understand Catholicism better. Thanks for coming! And thank you to your husband and son for sharing you!

  12. I was there in Portland, and reading this just now made me cry all over again. I can honestly say your talk was one of the most moving and beautiful talks I've ever had the privilege to hear. Thank you for your gift of self and for being open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We were all blessed that day! My prayers will be with you!

  13. I'm so happy for you Mary! I hope to have the privilege of attending one of your speaking events in the future!

  14. This is amazing Mary!! I was privileged to be in that audience at the CWR conference. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you. The lines were incredibly long to confession that day. Your story was raw, real, heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!

  15. Mary, this is amazing. Thank you for your 'yes' to the Holy Spirit's promptings. Can't wait to see where God leads you!!

  16. Wow Mary this is such exciting news for you!! Prayers for bold faith as the Lord weaves it all into something more beautiful than you could imagine! đŸ™‚

  17. I was very excited to read this – I found your story so moving when I read it on your blog, and have enjoyed so many of your insights on your blog. You are such a compassionate and relatable person, and I think you have so much to share. I will pray for success in your new endeavor!

  18. You are inspiring so this is no shock to that the time and opportunity have a lined for you! My daughter has very similar issues that Miss Courtney had..
    It is not easy at all as you know, you handle it all with such grace. You make me feel like no matter what it will all be ok, to look forward no matter what… thank you with all my heart♡ i wish you the best in you new endeavor ! If any one can, it will be you!

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