1. I think you'd definitely be my choice as a youth minister! You are such a fun person with such a wonderful outlook, especially when life gets tough.

    1. We have a good time Jen. We are part of the Core Team of volunteers. Our Youth Minister is an awesome dude who we really learn so much from. The kids are great and at the end of the night they go home to their own families. No drama for us. LOL! The best of both worlds.

  2. Thank you for the update! I'm so glad you are blogging and that you guys are trying to find your new normal. Continued prayers for you all! I missed you while you were gone!

    1. I missed you all as well Miss Beth!! Happy Easter to you and yours! I was checking in with your blog yesterday. You look beautiful friend. I love it.

  3. Sending all the hugs. I'm so glad to hear you are forging ahead as a family while keeping Courtney in your hearts. May the future be an exciting adventure and the past a comfort to your souls. xoxo

    1. Thanks Miss Avery! I look forward to seeing you next weekend. I will be coming to drop off goodies on Friday for the WRW retreat and get to stay for dinner. It will be lovely to catch up with everyone. Hugs!

  4. I've missed your and Miss Courtney's faces on my IG feed so it's so nice to see you back again. God is so good. I'm very happy to hear that Jerry is under a new contract and that the laughter of little girls is ringing through your home. You are such a beautiful family. Your sharing your God-centered life is such a blessing to all of us.

  5. Hi Mary!
    Loved reading your update! I've been thinking and praying for you! It sounds like you continue to be a light to others even as you work through grief. I loved reading the sibling bond your two children still have with one another…that's the beautiful communion of saints right there! I look forward to meeting you for real at Edel in July! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  6. I love you! Thank you for always being you, the you God created you to be. It is unreal to me that Courtney is not here with us anymore. Those pictures. She was so ALIVE while she was here. And you shared that life so beautifully, the good, the bad, the hard, the sad…all of it. You have never shyed away from what was true and I can never thank you enough for that. That is what gave me the courage to talk about Shelby to not sugar-coat and let people know that things can be hard. So very hard, but they are always worth it and she is always worth it. Courtney changed my life forever and you changed it as well by being the best mother to her God could create. Our girls are witnesses for life forever and we are so blessed God chose us, even in the most difficult moments, to witness as well. xoxo Kristen

  7. So glad to see you back to blogging, I missed it during lent. What an amazing woman you are. Think of you and pray for you lots.

  8. As usual you amaze me with your resilience. Grief is such a deep ,slow process . Your Courtney would be so proud of you! I pray that eventually the memories will eventually become sweet and heart warming as your travel this journey… Right now I'm sure they just hurt!! We love so deeply as mothers it's no wonder when we loose our loved one its a type of real crucifixion on the cross with Our Lord. Praying for you … I read a quote recently that says"Grief never ends ..but it changes .. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith….. It is the price of love…. May Our Lady wrap you in her arms today … Keeping you warm and loved. Soon enough I pray your soul will heal.

  9. So happy to read your words again, my friend…..I missed you VERY much.
    Congratulations to Jerry! And enjoy those jaunts to Happy Hour…good for you…….. xoxoxo
    Thinking of and praying for all of you…(((( and also asking Courtney for help and prayers too! 'Cause we need 'em ))))))

  10. I have worked in youth ministry for 10 years, there is nothing like it. I look back at the 10 years I have served and wonder how I have aged! There is something beautiful for serving the youth of Church.

    God bless you and Happy Easter!

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