1. Mary your timing with this post is SO PERFECT! Just got back a few days ago from a 2 week stay and I am still completely discombobulated. Off to make me a salad and soak in the sunshine for a bit! 🙂 I am so happy Courtney is doing better, BTW, and keep praying fr your family! ((HUGS))

  2. I love this! And all of it is so true. It was always hard for me to not come home and spend 12 hours cleaning when Jack was re hospitalized for pneumonia and the clean eating is a great idea. I didn't start to lose any baby weight until we were out of the Nicu thanks to all that awful food.

  3. Mary, your ideas are great and would work for any time of extra stress too. Thankfully, Sam seems to have outgrown his hospital days (pneumonias) and is in better health. Praying for you all still. Blessings, and keep taking the chocolate!

  4. It's so nice to know someone else experiences this, too! Amen to all of it. We just finished three hospital stays for pneumonias in March and April, and my daughter has been hom and healthy now for almost a month.

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