1. Would your Father Madigan be the same as the one and only Msgr. John Madigan who so faithfully and lovingly served in the Archdiocese of Washington, DC for so many years? If so, your report of his response to your first confession sounds just like him!

    1. He was indeed awesome! And he always made me smile and laugh. The last time I saw him was 12 years ago when I was visiting family and friends in the DC area. What a joy it was to have a brief visit with him! He was such a good, dear man and a wonderful priest. Thank you, dear Lord, for Father Madigan!

  2. I have to say how very much I am loving this series. I am very new to Catholicism and Marian devotion is still sort of foreign for this Protestant raised girl :). Thank you for bringing me closer to Mary!❤️

  3. My name is Christine Marie. I was born on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes in a year that shall remain unnamed, and my mother's confirmation name is Bernadette (as in Soubirous to whom Our Lady appeared at Lourdes) 😉 Talk about trying to live up to a name….I was named for my grandmother Christine, but Christine means "Anointed, Christian, follower of Christ" and Marie is a variation of Mary. I have been marked for life, too. It is only in the last 5 years or so that I realized what a blessing that "marking" is and I try to be the who He would have me be (failing miserably daily!)
    Thanks for the thought provoking post!

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