1. Headstones are important and definitely a need! My great Aunt Vivian's grave was left unmarked for years and it tore at my great grandmother's and my grandfather's hearts. (You can read about our quest to get Vivian's grave marked here.) Thank you for letting us do this for Courtney. She gave us so much!

  2. Mary,
    Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you during your time of need and grief. May God bless your family and Courtney's grave with a headstone she deserves and you need. Keeping you in prayer always and especially this Mother's Day weekend!

  3. I cannot afford to donate, but I wanted to let you know that I completely understand your need for a headstone. When my brother died my parents decided to have him cremated while they decided where to bury him. His death was unexpected, so we had had no time to prepare. Instead of deciding, they kept his ashes in their house for four years and when they did inter him, did not inform me of the burial or the burial site. I had to call around and ask their archbishop for likely cemeteries, and then call the cemeteries. It was such a relief to find his resting place. My prayers are with you during your time of grief. It doesn't get easier, but you get stronger in order to bear it, I think.

  4. It is okay not to be okay. That time will come again, but right now you need to feel exactly what you're feeling – it's not fun, and it's very, very hard, but it's a part of grieving and it will help you in the long run.

    Thank you for letting us be a part of this.

  5. God bless you. Surely your darling daughter's struggles in this life cleared her a swift path to heaven, where she awaits you, fully restored and clothed in glory and joy.

  6. I agree .. I think it's definitely ok to NOT be ok!!! Praying all can help… Will try to help when we can… But in the meantime you know prayers are surrounding you in your journey…

  7. I was just at the cemetery today to visit my mum's grave before mother's day here in Australia. I left a little pot plant and holy card. And I had been thinking today that I should donate to a charity this weekend in her memory. And as I was leaving I was thinking the cemetery will be so busy this weekend. So there you go I've just donated.
    I just know that you'll get a beautiful headstone, it really means so much to have something beautiful there to see, to touch, to clean and to pray before. I've been following your blog and FB page before and after Courtney went to heaven. Being a catholic mum and having a daughter with special needs I was just instantly hooked. God bless you and your family and I look forward to a photo of that headstone when it comes.
    Take care

  8. I'm relatively new here, though I read some of your story over the years, and I am happy to be able to help with this need. Praying for you to have a peaceful Mother's Day.

  9. It's okay not to be okay. In fact, if you really were okay, I would think something was wrong! Praying that you find peace, joy, comfort and love this Mother's Day and every day forward. It's going to be a long road Mary. In some form or fashion, you will always carry the weight from your grief, but with God's help and the love and support of your family and friends, you will make it.

  10. Mary, our budget is so tight right now but I couldn't NOT donate. I talked with hubby and this year, the money for my own gift is going to you instead. Love you and can't wait to hug you at Edel!

  11. We're still waiting for our little Agnes' headstone to come in, though it has been ordered. I understand the need, for sure. We're contributing. Prayers for you this weekend. It's going to be a hard one for me too.

  12. Oh, Mary, it makes me want to cry hearing she doesn't have a headstone. Thank you for putting up the button! Prayers for you esp. this Mother's day.

  13. I totally get it. There's a little brass plaque in the columbarium of our old parish for our son. Something about seeing the name in a permanent material. Sharing this. And hoping to see it on Instagram when it happens and you're ready to share.

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