1. Mary, I pray for you, every single day. You are in my thoughts and a package should be on its way from me this week. May The Lord bless you today!

  2. Mary, that – is the very reason God chose you to be her mother- He placed her in your arms because you can see beyond the surface to the real Courtney and this journey you are on together- He knew you would be just the mom she would need to help her. You are truly a jewel in His crown- Only God could lead you to the perspective you have now. And what a gift your words are to those who read them today. May God richly bless your day!

  3. May God continue to bless both you and Courtney in this journey of suffering. We know that Our Lord has wonderful plans for us, plans we cannot comprehend. Still……the daily pain and struggles often feel overwhelming.

    Two of my six children have epilepsy. I pray for you in full knowledge of how terrifying seizures can be.

    May God bless you always. Renee

  4. Prayed for your family at Mass today, especially for Courtney. I truly admire your faith and acceptance Mary. I know that it can't be easy for any of you as it is so hard to see Courtney go through all that she does. Praying for some relief and good times for her soon. May you soon hear her happy sounds again.

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