1. Oh Wow Mary! What a great post for so many reasons! What a beautiful picture of you, your mom and your siblings! You and your mom have the same beautiful smile and from your story about her, you obviously inherited her same fighting, "badass" spirit 🙂 So glad your mom was treated with dignity and respect and good for her for standing up for LIFE! Happy Feast of the Annunciation and can't wait to meet you in real life in July at Edel! Is it July YET!?! 🙂

  2. What a powerful example. God bless your mom! Please thank her again for standing up publicly and prayerfully for life!

  3. wow, Mary~~ Your mom is certainly a wonderful lady and inspiration! What a loving tribute.

    Thank God for the respect she was shown during the incident yesterday—-good for her, standing up for her beliefs and for the TRUTH!

    So impressive my friend….Happy birthday to your amazing Mom~

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