1. Way to go, Mary!!!! You got this!!!
    Princess Lilo is super cute. How cool that you get to chill with her!
    Oh gosh, your dinner sounds totally amazing! I love roasted sweet potatoes like nobody's business. Mm…pork is really good, too. My husband and I don't eat meat super often (maybe a couple times a week?), but yesterday we went to a taco truck and I got pork tacos, and was in Heaven 🙂

  2. I decided to jump on the Whole 30 bandwagon this month as well! I've tried it before, but had my little cheats. This time, I'm serious. You can tell because I stayed up until 1:00 looking for recipes on Pinterest. 😉

    What I've found is that when I eat healthy, the rest of the family follows suit. That should be motivation enough, huh?

    Looking forward to your updates.

  3. Did you read in the book that cheese is what the majority of people say they just can't do without and it's becUse it produces a morphine, or some drug like that, response in us! Crazy

    1. I did read that. I just love cheese so much. Good cheese like Brie, Fontina and Camembert. Oh yummy! I know it will not be gone from my life forever. Just can't do that. No way, no how. 30 days though?? Maybe 🙂

  4. Princess Lilo is cute!!!
    I don't understand very well American recepies, but from what I understand your recepies look really good!
    If I may suggest something: have you ever tried Italian recepies? They are usually healthy and taste good (at least to me)

  5. We were in St. Patrick's Cathedral here in Auckland city NZ yesterday, or as MY 3 yr old Patrick said, "We're at my church! It's my church!" And I lit a candle for you 🙂 And said a Hail Mary. Goodluck!!

  6. Praying for you Mary! Just remember what's right for one person might not be right for another…..If this one is not up your alley, you WILL find something that works just for you. Weight Watchers point system is a great way to eat everything you want and gives you a little freedom. Remember its all boils down to calories in and calories out……eat less, exercise more! You will find your groove and what works for you. You have taken on a huge challenge, just remember you have the right attitude….good health for years to come! I Hope Whole 30 is just what you want, but if not, don't skip a beat and find your path! You are awesome!!

    1. Thanks so much MI88. I hear you. I have already made some adjustments to my program. Non-traditional is my middle name 🙂 One day at a time.

  7. Beginning a similar diet myself, Mary. Find your blog inspiring and interesting. I don't have a gift for cooking like you do so it adds a bit more stress to my meals. But thank you for the inspiration

  8. Yay for getting through Day 1. When I got serious about cutting out sweets, I was a high school teacher. So I took my bag of emergency chocolate to the teacher across the hall. I had to go ask her for it when I really, really needed it. It sure helped cut down on the mindless snacking.

  9. Happy Day 1 & Happy Feast Day to your mama!
    I'm not sure how "Whole 30" it is, but I recently bought a recipe book by the Our Best Bites bloggers called 400 Calories or Less. It has a ton of amazing dishes, many well under 400 calories. (& I'm not paid, I just like the book 🙂

  10. Hey Mary, glad you survived day 1! We can do this! Only 30 more days to go before we get to relax a little right? And I just found out that potatoes are allowed. Please tell me I'm not wrong about that! So far so good for me, although I have quite the headache this evening. Ah well, just think of how much healthier we'll feel by November right?

    1. Potatoes are indeed allowed Susan. I am trying to eat more sweet potatoes because of the lower GI index. I love them roasted with a smidge of olive oil, salt, pepper and some chopped rosemary. So good.

  11. Such a sweet photo with your mama, Mary. Happy feast day (belated) to her!

    Check out Good Cheap Eats – she did a whole 30 a while back and posted a few delicious recipes. I haven't done a whole 30 but I use the recipes! 🙂 A little inspiration never hurts, right? Here's the link:

    That first recipe – the zucchini and sweet potato hash – is a favorite at our house (even the kiddos eat it – and they won't touch each component on it's own!). We also love a good pumpkin or butternut squash soup – many of those can be adapted to whole 30, especially if there's an apple component involved!

    Praying for you during both legs of my icky long commute though this whole month, Mary! And hoping for many blessings to come to you through this 31 day journey.


  12. All the suggestions of things that are awesome but not allowed on Whole30! Waaaa! 😉 I made it through one day and planned some meals for the next few days. I am thrilled to have found a fruit bar at Trader Joe's that is, like just 2 ingredients. Coconut and apple, or apple and mango. Probably not best for the sweet tooth but good if you're starving. And I love their plantain chips, too, just plantains, oil, and salt.

    I have a big event coming up tomorrow—a quinceanera—I'll have to pack some snacks for that!

    I prayed for you and the rest of the "team" today at Mass!

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