1. Will be praying for the surgery tomorrow, may God's hand guide the surgeon's! If you get a moment, can you explain a but about VNS please Mary? I know the feeling about the theatre staff taking your child away, from when Sam had heart surgery, it is not nice. Courtney will be in Our Lady's arms though. Love and blessings to all four of you. X

  2. Honey, you pay it forward with every thank-you note, every video from "Coffee for the Soul", and every encouraging word you say to all of us mamas with "special" children.

  3. Oh Mary-
    So many prayers for you all tomorrow. The moments I remember most vividly from the NICU were when we had to watch him be wheeled away for surgeries. You have had to do it so many more times then I and I imagine it doesn't ever get easier. Special prayers for peace for your heart tomorrow. <3

  4. Mary, dear Mary, am off to 6:30am Mass shortly and will offer my Mass and my Holy Communion for Courtney — and for the rest of you as well. May our dear Lord continue to bless you with His peace and strength!

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