You can do this!
You can do this friend.
You can do another five minutes of exercise even though your legs are shaky and your drenched in sweat.
You can start that side hustle even though people roll their eyes. They aren’t paying your bills. You are!
You can face that diagnosis or have the hard conversation. You can do hard things. You can fold another load of laundry. You can scrub that floor and feed your little people while hubby works another late night or is deployed.You can face that fear that you will never make your personal goal…and you can crush it..How?
Pursue forward motion. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Seriously. That’s it. Make the choice to keep moving forward as if your life depends on it. Because it does. You have to choose to love, even when it hurts. You have to choose to not remain stuck where you are. YOU have to choose. Not me but YOU!.In order to have a new life, you must let go if the old one. As much as that terrifies you, choose to let it motivate you to move.
Times a waisting friend. Build your sparkle!! Be you freaking awesome self and go set the world on fire. You snd Jesus got this!
Photo by Christi Marcheschi