1. Mary, I wish I had money to give you. We will say some extra prayers for you tonight, and I shared this post on my Facebook page in case anyone is able to help. <3

    1. Jessica – please do not fret for one moment. Prayers are more precious than jewels. Thank you so much for offering a few up for my girl and her needs. Blessings and Grace…

  2. My heart and prayers go out to you. I wish we could donate more. Living in these times gives you the opportunity to ask for blessings in these times of need. I shared this on Facebook too. (because I saw it via Charlotte–Waltzing Mathilda)

    (((((big hugs))))

  3. Mary, I am sorry to hear about Courtney's lungs being compromised. I will pray especially about that. My darling Sam had two pneumonias (one aspiration) when he was around one. His lungs had been damaged by nine days of ventilation at five months old after open heart surgery. The smallest airways are damaged by the high pressures of oxygen they have to use. There was no choice, he was unable to breathe alone being very poorly at that time. I understand that fear of the little one's body not functioning well and the continuing potential for illness. You feel like you can't do anything to help that (you can't). Just have to put it into God's hands my dear. Each day is a precious gift and none of us knows what will come tomorrow. I am very grateful for your sharing your thoughts and trials with us. It helps me greatly. Blessings to you and yours. X

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