1. Great color combinations!
    So glad you had a good weekend; prayers for a good week for you and Courtney.

  2. Love those color combinations! I love Talbots too – yes, their sale prices are awesome!! I'm so glad that you got a little break to do some things that feed your soul too. Still praying for that beautiful girl of yours and your whole family.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Talbot's is a favorite of mine Lea. I make a wish list when the catalog first comes and leave the rest in Our Lady's hands. I watch for sales and super coupons and of course the outlet is a must. My Mom is extremely generous and always looks out for me as well bringing me things she finds. I am very blessed.

  3. I would be so afraid of those plaid shoes, but you rock them! I've never thought about putting pink and green together. It works for flowers, though, so why not for people?

    1. Inspiration comes from all over my friend. I try very hard to push myself to get outside my comfort zone and try new things. This time it paid off. Yay!

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