1. Oh Miss Amelia – things are getting desperate here. Spring needs to come and very soon or I may need to dance more and that my friend might be a problem. LOL!

    1. Beth the prime rib was quite delish if I do say so myself. We even have leftovers!! Yummo! As for the dance, if the snowflakes that are falling as I type are any indication, than I have lost this round.

  1. Love your outfit! We too are dying for spring here too. Another 3/4 inch of ice with 6 inches of snow on top was what we woke up to this morning! The first flower I see I think I might cry! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Loved your spring dance! Can't wait for spring here either. Can you believe we had a windchill of -64F on Saturday? Blah! Bring on the warm!

    Glad to hear that Courtney let you sleep all night too. Wonderful to get even hours all at once isn't it? Hope it's the start of a new trend!

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