1. “My child. When he was small, I washed and fed him; I dressed him in his little garments and combed the rings of his hair. When he cried, I comforted him; when he was hurt, I kissed away the pain; and when the darkness fell, I sang him to sleep. Now he goes faint and fasting n the dust, and his hair is tangled with thorns. They will strip him naked to the sun and hammer the nails into his living flesh, and the great darkness will cover him. And there is nothing I can do. Nothing at all. This is the worst thing; to conceive beauty in your heart and bring it forth into the world, and then to strand by helpless and watch it suffer…” ~from The Man Born to Be King by Dorothy Sayers

    Dear Mary, truly you are one with our Blessed Mother in the Passion and Death of her Beloved Son! My love and prayers for you, today and always, AC

  2. Continued prayers for you all…those two scriptures are taped on our bathroom mirror and we think of them as we get ready for our days each morning. I am not a natural "Be still" person and the Jer 29:11 verse has always hit home for us as well.

  3. Mary, your taking care of your beloved daughter is the prayer the Lord wants to hear… As Carholics we know our actions count in place of prayer when there is just no energy left to utter a word!!! You've made a 22 year long blindingly beautiful prayer to Our Jesus.. And how He must love you!!! Praying honey for you to have peace…. Peace to sit and love on your Holy Child till your butt is stuck to the chair… My novena to the Infant Jesus is for your miracle or for your sweetie to go to Jesus in her sleep… It's what I prayed for both my parents…. My prayers were answered!!! Take care .. Be strong!! I feel like I know you personally thank you for allowing me to pray for y'all…..

  4. Dear Mary, thank you for once again sharing what is deepest in your heart and so strengthening us in our faith. We are carrying you all in our prayers. I pray, too, that Courtney may go to Jesus in a peaceful moment. Sending much love to you all, x

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