1. You DID kill it, Mary. I loved every moment we had together last weekend. Your family is a gift to so many people. YOU JUST DON'T EVEN KNOW. Sorry, had to yell to get your attention. Many hugs and sweet tea vodkas are being raised for you. Hugs from Tejas!

    1. Oh my friend, you have no idea what a gift you are to me!! Thank you for talking me down and sitting with me in my grief. You are just grace in motion, with or without crutches. Hugs from NoVa.

  2. Ok girlie, that simply rocked!!!! Seeing you sing and dance made me laugh, not at you but with you. I applaud you!!!!!!

    1. LOL! YOU my friend are an insane awesome grace filled vessel of the Lord sent to make me laugh my a** off this weekend. I am just so happy He brought us together. Shut.It.Down.

  3. LOL! Your "are you serious, there is no water face" is priceless and it was sentiments exactly! 🙂 I loved watching you sing your karaoke! You were awesome! I was dancing, singing, clapping, and smiling with you! It was great to meet you and I'm so glad Edel was so wonderful for you! And that is exciting about a possible book and speaking engagements! You and Courtney continue to touch many lives, including mine! Thank you and God bless you always!

    1. My husband still laughs at that face. I mean it was a pretty dire situation, don't you think? In the end, all was well. After all it is Edel.

  4. Good grief Mary, I don't know if I can handle any more of God's big plans for me!!! Loved meeting you! Next time, we do a duet.

  5. At least you got up there and killed it! That's a million times better than me who is seriously too shy to attempt it.

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