1. HI Mary! So nice to meet you at Edel! I'll never forget our conversations and me asking you if you were OK as you "melted" at the Friday crazy shoe party 🙂 I love hearing about Edel from your perspective and others and it's great to read your Edel blog posts and be able to relate to so much of it 🙂

  2. Mary, You were one of the people I was DETERMINED to meet this weekend. I'm so introverted that it is hard for me to just go up and introduce myself to someone, and I'm so awkward sometimes. So when I saw that you needed a phone charger, which I could provide, I was ON THAT like white on rice! After reading your blog so much and praying for you and Courtney, I felt like I knew you already, which is probably why I flung myself at you in a hug without so much as an introduction (insert embarrassed emoji here!). Anyway, I am so glad that I got to meet you. You are just lovely and inspiring. I can't wait to read part two!!

  3. So awesome, Mary! That's the good stuff…realizing that you're just being authentic from your corner of the world, and it changes people's lives. I hear you about airplanes, too. We just flew to CA a few weeks ago, and it was so stressful, especially with a toddler!

  4. I am not a great flier either! A Mercedes? You deserved to arrive in style:) How fun! I am Anglican, and I admit, I am a little jealous at the comraderie and opportunity to support one another that you Catholic ladies have! Edel sounds like a lot of fun. I discovered your story last year, when I was up late, nursing a new baby. I am moved by the love that you chose to write about and share with us!

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