1. That is SO great! She looks wonderfully straight 🙂 This could really be life changing for her, couldn't it? Not only will she get stronger, but being in a better position may improve her digestion. I'm so happy for you guys!

    1. Indeed Rachel, this could be the beginning of some very good things for our girl. From overall strength to better positioning leading to better digestion and intestinal improvements. It's a very good thing. We are very hopeful.

  2. Wow Mary!! Miss Courtney looks great! So straight and tall! Wonderful!

    Have a terrific weekend and we'll keep praying – can't wait to see the final product and it's benefits for you all.


  3. Those specially molded chairs also make a huge difference in skin integrity. It was nice to see Courtney holding up her own head so well one the bean bag was molded.

  4. oh my goodness she looks so straight in that last picture of her in the mold. Praying this does help with the weight gain and overall movement improvement.

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