1. Oh Mary the video is AMAZING! I laughed all the time (but I also appreciated the advices about marriage, and loved knowing a lot of new things about you).
    P.s. You definitely need to write that book!

  2. I feel like I'm tuning in to watch one of my favorite sitcoms when I sit down to watch these videos at night. Your interactions, your laughter, all of the "I'm just sayin's" from Jerry, your blushing:) … "snex," Jonathan popping in, yelling in the background occasionally…. it's just too good. Thank you for sharing yourselves with your readers. I have loved it.

    I also really needed to hear what you said. Marriage is hard. Love is a choice. Some days you love each other and wake up smooching. Other days you don't know who this person is that's sharing your bed — "and that's normal!" Thanks for that. Been married 8 years, have 3 kiddos — ages 5, 3 and 1 — oh… and we work together too! Things have been tense and stressful lately and it was SO good to hear that it's normal. Peaks and valleys, right?

    Keep up the good work, guys. Love always wins!

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