1. Mary, After having been traveling for the holidays, I saw the news that Courtney had died within an hour or so of finding out I was pregnant with our fifth child (waiting to get home from the travels to take the test and to get online). It was a whole afternoon of tears, of excitement and joy and fear for our new child's life and great grief over the loss of your child. But I prayed for you and thought of Courtney often in the following weeks, as I laid on the couch so sick and worried about the future. Your story always reassured me that everything would be okay. Even in the "worst case scenario" of losing a child, you had gained a saint and not lost your faith. Now I just realized that there's a chance–slim b/c I'm often overdue–that this baby girl could be born on Courtney's birthday. I would love that. We've been discussing Elizabeth as a middle name, and if I can get my husband on board, it will be in tribute to St. Elizabeth of Hungary and (St.) Courtney Elizabeth. Whatever the case, I will always hold a special association between your Courtney and this baby currently squirming in my womb. God bless you all!

    1. Oh KC…thank you. Thank you so much for writing this down. I am humbled that our girl could help you in such a profound way. Know that she will be with you through labor and delivery as well, no matter what day your sweet little one decides to come. Hugs!

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