1. Tears in my eyes as I read this, Mary. What a beautiful explanation of Courtney's (and yours!) witness to the dignity of life. Also want to thank you for taking your time to write this all out each day to share with others. Prayers coming for your meeting with the neuro tomorrow.

  2. Oh Mary, this made me cry. What an amazing witness you and Courtney were to that medical team. Being in the medical field myself, I can promise you that they won't forget her or the wisdom I'm sure you shared. <3

  3. Thank you for sharing. Courtney's witness and your words are amazing. A wonderful woman at our parish gave birth to a boy who was not supposed to live. He lived 7 years; he died 2 years ago. Your story is very similar in that your children are a witness to us all. They are here on purpose and although there are many things in life that they will never do…their impact on others if far bigger than any impact most of us will have in this life. So beautiful to hear about the doctor and med students. Now to get my kids started on those birthday cards tomorrow!

  4. There is nothing better than giving those young medical students the gift of respect for the sanctity of each life God gives. You and Courtney are paving the future for us all; those young people will never forget the lessons of that day. Thankyou. I am praying especially for the neuro appointment and you and Jerry's decisions for Courtney to continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit. And on a more practical note, hope the part plans are going well!

  5. Offered up my Communion yesterday for Courtney and your family as you continue this journey called life.
    I think it is wonderful that you worked with the med students. It's so important that they are exposed to not only medical procedures, but the moral decisions and dilemmas that accompany medical issues. Like you did with Courtney, I always allow students to participate in my care when asked. It's good for them and good for me too. Any one thing that they see could help them with their care of another – one way of paying it forward.
    With all you have going on, would you include my friend Sara in your prayers? She just found out that her cancer is terminal and has chosen quality over quantity of life, so we are on a journey with her too.

  6. You, my friend, are amazing! I remember giving detailed explanation of my son's medical history 6 years ago in Johns Hopkins University Hospital(another teaching hospital) to a room full of doctors as well. His primary neurologist asked me at one point if I were a nurse. I just laughed and said, "NO, why?" He went on to tell me that he thought I must be to be able to remember so much of my son's medical history in that much detail, down to pronouncing the name of every medical procedure and medication correctly. So your experience with the doc's resonated with me.
    God has and will continue to use Courtney's and your 'story' to enlighten, educate, and encourage others…all while bringing glory to God!!
    You will continue to be in my prayers!
    Gay Idle/CaptiveHeart

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