1. What a sweet girl! And what a bright light in those dark minutes of the day. Hope that you and Courtney are feeling better tonight.

  2. Works of mercy in action and from the mouth of a babe. I pray that my kids are able to speak that kind of love!!

  3. So sweet; glad you, your mom and the other mom was able to keep it calm. Prayers for you and Courtney!

  4. Such a beautiful story. Children and special needs persons have so many lessons to teach us, don't they? This reminds me of a story my mother told me some years ago. She had taken my brother to a McDonalds restaurant where they were being served by a special needs adult. Now my brother was 13 but very small for his age and the server understandably mistook him for a much younger child. She cooed at him and took care of his order and talked to him as you would to a toddler. My mother was sure he would balk at this treatment and show his indignation. She was pleased to see that whatever his feelings were, he kept them quiet. On the way out the server made a show of presenting my brother with a plastic hand puppet. He accepted it graciously. I don't think my mother ever spoke with him about it because she thought he acted well and didn't need a lecture ….many years later as she was cleaning out his things after he left home she found a drawer of treasures he had collected. These were trophies and things so close to his childhood heart that he could never bear to part with him. Among them she found the plastic puppet.please know your Couteney is hard at work teaching us life lessons to treasure forever. A blessed holy Easter to you all!

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