Doing Hard Things
I weigh 32 pounds more today than a year ago and I hate it. I mean I really do not like anything about it. As a Type 2 Diabetic, it’s not a good place to be in.
There. I said it. I have struggled with “food as comfort” my whole life. I’ve done therapy, group and individual. I’ve done diet after diet and still I struggle. I realized today, after a particularly challenging conversation with my GP, that what needs fixing is my heart. What needs fixing is my soul. What needs fixing is my mindset. .When I do that hard work, the body will follow. Healing takes time and it’s happens later after layer after layer. I thought I had completed this particular journey and what I realized is that, no, I just turned a new corner.
Where does that leave me? At the moment, a little scared and a LOT motivated to make the hard changes needed to heal my body, heart and soul. This will not be easy, but nothing ever worth having was easy. There will be sweat and sacrifice. There will be new skills acquired and food experiences had. There will be sweat, facing hard truths and granting myself the grace to walk through them.
I see you mountain. I will climb you and I will succeed. On the other side of you is freedom and I was made to live free. .I’ve done it before and by the grace of God I will do it again. I can do hard things…and so can you. Let’s begin again…one step at a time, one forkful at a time.
PS. This is not a post looking for medical/diet advice. I am working with a great team and am confident in their plan. This is about being real and vulnerable in this space and sharing the ups and downs. Thanks for cheering me on friends!!
Photo by @siobhan_lorraine