1. Shaking my head. Now, up until about three years ago, my shoe wardrobe consisted of tennis shoes, tennis shoes. clogs and one pair of kind of dressy flats. Now I have about 25 pair of shoes. Because of my husband's job – it's always best to blame it on him. You see, there are now business trips that I must attend (Hawaii and California this year – yeah, feel bad for me – not) so I have had to up my clothing and, therefore, my shoe wardrobes. Thanks to you, dear Mary, I am getting more comfortable with dressing my "fluffy" body. So I say, if the shoe fits, buy it and wear it. And doesn't' it stink to have wide feet???? Me too.

    1. work it friend…wide feet or not…there are cute shoes to be found. I am thrilled beyond belief if I have anything to do with you feeling more comfortable in your own skin. Life is too short my friend. Live with joy, no matter what your size. If the shoe fits…wear it with pride and dance baby dance!

  2. This post made me hungry! Thank you, Jerry, for the comprehensive list of bacon! I think I need to host a bacon tasting party, like a wine tasting party, but better!

  3. Mary and Jerry, first I love that your names rhyme! 🙂 LOL! This post was hilarious! And guess what? Mary, I love shoes as much as your husband! I'm not a shoe, clothes, bra, bathing suit shopper. Bleh! Fashion is not my forte as I don't have the time and money to spend on stuff, shoes included. BUT, if someone was to buy shoes for me and buy clothes for me and clean my house and cook for me, I'd be one happy shoe person 🙂 Jerry loved your conversation about butts looking big or not in jeans…HAHA! My husband says it's spot on! I really don't feel sorry for you men though that have to try to interpret our verbal and nonverbal cues since we women are the ones that have to squeeze into the clothes. We do the hard part and trying to figure out our thoughts is not as challenging as trying to button and zipper where buttons and zippers don't want to button and zipper 🙂 Got that?!??!? Anyway, I'm happy to say I'm coming to Edel15 with some crazy shoes and I'm telling myself not to stress over the fact that I'll be barefoot or wearing tennis shoes most of the weekend 🙂 Mary, I look forward to meeting you for real and I'll be sure to tell you I LOVE your shoe choices 🙂 Safe travels!

  4. I'm definitely not a shoe gal (I wear a size 12w, I'm just happy to find shoes that fit and are 'cute'), but I found this quite amusing. I don't even own a pair of dress shoes! Right now I have 4 pairs: snow boots (that I need to replace after five Michigan winters), sneakers (that I wear 90% of the time and had to hunt down the perfect "girl" color), sandals (men's dept.) and a new addition, flip flops (to throw on when I go to the pool, or on an early morning doughnut run). Even at that I feel I have too many! 🙂

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