1. What a privilege to be next to you at Ann's link and to meet another gratitude gatherer. Your thanksgiving in the midst of so many challenges is a humbling example.

  2. Ah…just beautiful. I agree with the first commenter, Elizabeth…your thanksgiving is humbling! Love this gift especially "my son's willingness to be a servant for his sister." Such a blessing to see! Stopping by from Ann's.

    1. Miss Jenna – my son is a true gift. He has given up a lot in life for his sisters sake. I am honored to be his Mama. It is a JOY to love him.

  3. I always love to read your thankful lists. You seem to have a knack at finding joy in the midst of a wild and crazy life! Continuing to pray for Courtney! So thankful her seizures seem to be on a down swing!

    1. Beth – if I didn't look for the joy…I would never have made it this far. Joy surrounds us all the time. It's all about perspective. I usually start my days with "it could be worse…" and go from thee. LOL! Hugs friend!

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