1. Also a member of the club no one wants to be part of. Many, many prayers. Our Blessed Mother helped so much when we lost our son. It's been seven years and it's still so very hard. We have a little Pieta statue that I contemplate on the bad days. It has never gotten easier, but it has become bearable.

  2. I am struck by the three lovely photos in your post today, especially the first one of you cuddling Courtney. They are beautiful; the love is so clear. I pray to God that He helps you find a way to treasure these moments with peace in your heart instead or despair or dread. Is that humanly possible? I'm not sure……. but this is what I pray for you and your family.

  3. that first picture of the two of you is the most beautiful image I've seen all day. A little pieta of sorts…your love for each other really shines through it.

  4. Praying for you and your family, Mary. I think of you all often as I go about my day and wish for grace and strength for you. I agree with another poster that the photo at the top of your post recalls or echoes the pieta. You are making your namesakes very proud.

  5. My husband and I are praying for you. I pray that somehow, you will physically feel God's arms holding you the way you are holding Courtney in the photo.

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