1. Continued thoughts and prayers! Your sense of (cyber) humor in the middle of this storm makes me smile, yet my heart breaks that your sweet family and Courtney are going through so much. God's will be done!

  2. Our family is praying, my little daughters think and pray for your Courtney throughout each day, and you are so on my heart. The prayers will continue!

  3. Dear Mary, I've been following your blog now for a while, but today for the first time I took time to read your story. It took me all day, and my dishes are still dirty in the sink tonight, but I couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cried and sat on the edge of my seat holding my breath waiting to find out what happened next. You have quite an amazing story, and your father was right. You had plenty to say, to share, and you said it better than anyone could have. God's given you another gift, and I'll pray it gets used for His will. God bless you all and kisses to Courtney. Love Christine

  4. Good grief, dark chocolate….stat! I know we’ve never met, but I’m praying and walking along with ya’ll. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  5. Oops! That's ok, this post was above the other post in the feed so I figured it out when I checked it. I won't read that other post. Still praying!

  6. Good morning again Mary 🙂
    Still praying, and my kids have been praying for Courtney at school in their prayer circles during class too. Love from the far north in Edmonton Alberta. Christine

  7. Well that explains not being able to view it… my comment still is good though, in my heart, for your family, you and Courtney. May God be with you and surround you…

  8. I just came to your blog from A Knotted Life. This is the first time I have seen it. And you are losing your daughter. How my heart goes out to you.

    I know what it is to watch and wait and pray with someone you love who is dying. Even when you know their time is near, even though you accept they will soon go, it is a ripping, tearing at the heart to know soon, soon, they will go, and you will not have them nearby anymore, to feel their warmth, to hear their laugh, to see their smile, to offer a touch of comfort, to hold them close for a moment. The pain of knowing they will go is not eased once they are gone.

    I pray God will fill you with consolation and peace once your girl is gone to Him who loves her so. God bless you. I will pray for you, for her, and for all your family. Who can know the pain of a mother's heart so broken? Only He who loves us beyond all understanding.

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