1. Hahaha! I love the jokes. I needed them this morning. And thank you for your beautiful, inspiring ways. Much love to you, Mary. Gina (from CathSo)

    1. I would be worried if the tears didn't come my friend. St. Rebecca Irene is a constant presence in our home. Your girl is working hard for the Lord. Be at peace <3

  2. To go along w/ #7…Did you know that men, according to the Bible, are supposed to make the coffee? It says so right in the New Testament…He-brews! Have a wonderful weekend, Mary!

  3. WE can never get enough of you, Mary! You always make my day. Prayers to ST Bebecca today and for her dear Mama, Beth. Sending my St. Miriam to give hugs to Rebecca AND Courtney.
    Dogs, a great comfort, but SOOO much work. Dog sitting sounds like the PERFECT speed. =)
    Hope you have a super weekend Mary, with lots of warmth and sun.

  4. Thank you for your prayers Mary! And St. Courtney's too. She was keeping us company Friday night when things looked like they were heading downhill. Even though our schedule is crazy since getting home, at least it's MY crazy schedule and not the hospital's!

    1. Our families prayers will continue for you and Fulton my friend. God is with you always. St. Courtney is the best hospital roommate you could ever have. 🙂

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