i’m so glad you’re here
Find hope in hardship

You’re never alone
Here, you’ll find words of wisdom with a dash of wit. Consider me your cheerleader in the journey of life and beauty.

Moving through grief? Fear? Feeling like you’ve been buried under disappointment, loss, and discouragement? Are you asking yourself, “Is this all?”
You are made for more.
Let’s open the door to what God has for you. It’s time to reignite a new season. Pull up a chair, and I’ll grab the coffee. Cream, sugar?You’re welcome here! I can’t wait to get to know you. Together, we’ll uncover your bravery and beauty. You are made in the image of God – trust me, it’s in there!
We’ll pray, laugh, maybe shed a tear or two. We can do hard things together. I’m Mary, and I’m here to keep you company!
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help you find purpose

Be Brave in The Scared

Be Bold in The Broken

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We’ve learned what not to do, and we’re here to share it with you.
We’re Mary and Jerry Lenaburg, and in our 35 years of marriage, we have been through a lot of challenges.
Join us on the podcast for unscripted conversations on marriage, faith, brokenness, family life, parenting, and more. No topic is off-limits. Ask us anything!
Think of us as your favorite neighbor whose front porch is calling to you. Come sit a spell.
We wish we could have you over for dinner, or meet for coffee. For now, we hope to hear from you week after week. We promise you’ll laugh and maybe even shed a tear or two. Get a dose of encouragement and hope through our stories of life so far.
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Helping you find joy in everything from your marriage to your kitchen


Home & Kitchen


Treat yourself like the beloved daughter you are
When God looks at you, He sees nothing but perfection.